CM5 for DevTerm

Looks like people are reporting it as a drop in replacement for CM4 in most other devices. Has anyone had a chance to test that with the DevTerm CM4 adapter?

(Question inspired by this blog post: Raspberry Pi CM5 is 2-3x faster, drop-in upgrade (mostly) | Jeff Geerling)


The CM5 just recently, it will be a great upgrade if it works, although I think some software upgrades will be needed
maybe it will just work but I doubth it

For those tripping over this in the near future there is a CM5 image that can be tested in another thread here: Bookworm 6.6.y for the uConsole and DevTerm Its by Rex and works on both DevTerm and uConsole.

Give it a whirl if you end up with a CM5 module and update in that thread.