Custom D.E.O.T. V2.0+/Clockwork OS v0.5 image - With customised DEOT interface, Kernel 5.7, Optional 1400MHz OC, Debian 10 Buster, Retroarch 1.9.0, Mupen64+ plus more! (Current build: 200903)

compile kernel in arch is pretty easy, arch package build system is near entirely automatized

also convert arch kernel format (zImage) to other OS kernel (uImage) is pretty easy, a single command :

mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x40008000 -e 0x40008000 -n “Linux kernel” -d zImage uImage

i do it for you and up result here >
just extract uImage into first partition, and others files into second partition of deot OS, or all into unique partition of debian image

. . .

to recompile kernel from arch here is the step onto your gs by ssh :

  • create a dedicated folder

mkdir ~/dev && cd ~/dev

  • catch all gameshell arch specifics pkgbuild collection

git clone --depth 1 GitHub - r043v/GameShell-PKGBUILDs: pingu repository - PKGBUILDs collection dedicated to GameShell Arch Linux ARM port - && cd GameShell-PKGBUILDs/linux-gameshell/

  • call makepkg

makepkg -i

-i mean direct install after compile & package generation, download/patch/compile time will be ~45mn
plug your gs to ac and set it to maximum performance will be better

in arch all package generation steps are resumed into a single file, PKGBUILD
current one could be found here > GameShell-PKGBUILDs/linux-gameshell/PKGBUILD at master · r043v/GameShell-PKGBUILDs · GitHub

in line 122 of the file you could view how tcon divider value is patched to 6 :

ie, just calling sed command to substitute original line with value 6 into kernel source file “/drivers/gpu/drm/sun4i/sun4i_tcon.c”

if you want try other values, you will found a “src” folder into “~/dev/GameShell-PKGBUILDs/linux-gameshell” where you could found kernel source who where downloaded & patched by the makepkg command,
you can directly change kernel source (using vim or whatever) to change the tcon value, after that, to recompile only necessary and not spend 45mn more call makepkg again with -e (no extract source & run prepare function who’s patch source) and -f (force package regeneration)
so :

cd ~/dev/GameShell-PKGBUILDs/linux-gameshell
makepkg -e -f -i

it must recompile changed files and generate the package, and finally install it, after that just reboot to test

when all is ok, you can call the mkimage command in front of this post to create uImage file from the zImage one if need

here is makepkg command manual > makepkg(8)