D-Pad buttons are not recognized when running RetroPie emulationstation

what did you do for the redream input? i don’t know the names to put in the input ini file… looking for a shortcut to get it added… where did you find the key #s? i need them for my devterm and then uconsole(whenever it gets here)

Oh I just install redream through retropie setup. Launch emulation station, launch dreamcast game and hit escape to go to redeam, form there (redream) I m able to setup everything, screen, game pad. Works flawlessly. That emulator is the best with ppsspp.( for game pad mapping,)

oops yea my bad… redream as a ui… i was thinking n64… i am running aarch64… retroarch has like 0 cores… so i was able to put mupen64plus -ubuntu- and get it to run with a little tinkering… but there is no gui…

I m trying to get m64py playable right now. You can try to

m64py, i saw someone on a forum state, using the “browse” button for the file locations causes crashes and you need to input the locations manually… it still kept crashing… then put in manually. and no plugins show up… restart it… and errors can’t be found… and blank locations again… but my mupen64plus runs games “fine” some games are flakey static images… using the controller “device name” and then the joy# i get from the keyboard firmware C file… i could make a profile in the inputautoconfig file… and it would work… but i want simple…