Retropie on uconsole

Today i am installing retropie on debian to see how it performs would make for more systems to be available. My plan is to use a Bluetooth controller 8bito and play some cool emulation.

If you want to use retropie see below if you get emulation station screen in wrong screen orientation.
After a reboot load terminal and type emulationstation to start it again should be all good.

Here is some more important info when you pair the uconsole in retropie note the below.
There will be 2 gamepads detected one is the keyboard which you only need to bind up down left right, the other gamepad you need ABXY SELECT & START use SELECT again for the special button.

This is just a PSA: some games rely on SDL2 gamepad detection, which won’t detect the Uconsole pad and buttons by default. To get the gamepad detected, add the following line to the .profile file in your home folder: export

SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG=“03000000af1e00002400000010010000,ClockworkPI uConsole,platform:Linux,a:b1,b:b2,x:b0y:b3,back:b8,start:b9,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,”

Clockwork Uconsole (Retropie Emulationstation) CM4 Emulation.


Found some nice dust covers i had laying about while retropie compiles from source.


Okay so everything installed fine but emulationstation screen is rotated does anyone know how to rotate it to the correct orientation?

After this ran the command below rebooted emulationstation again via terminal and it booted in the correct orientation.

cd ~/RetroPie-Setup
git reset --hard
sudo ./


Resolved now the next step is to get the gamepad setup via bluetoothe and some games on here.

After this ran the command below rebooted emulationstation again via terminal and it booted in the correct orientation.

cd ~/RetroPie-Setup
git reset --hard
sudo ./


Ready for some gaming action gamepad has been paired via Bluetooth


Nice! I’d be interested to hear how it runs on that screen with the pi - especially in relation to screen tearing


I will post my results with fps results and a review once i have all setup.


what a great thread, I’ll definitely make sure to follow along when I get mine :slight_smile:
IIRC, the CM4 and A-06 can emulate up to N64/Dreamcast. Maybe GameCube emulation has gotten easier and you could try that with an overclock. Can you overclock the GPU? Worth looking into.

Edit: Overclocking the Raspberry Pi 4 - Tom's Hardware | Tom's Hardware
You can! I wonder what the bottleneck is on the CM4. RAM speed, CPU, or GPU.

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Yep the GPU can be overclocked which i may do later just going to setup some games and do a video this week.


Only thing i dont get with mapping the actual uconsole buttons on here with retropie is dpad maps fine but the abxy and lr buttons do not. I am not sure what they have done here and its kind of a shame thats why i rather use a decent gamepad via Bluetooth the actual keyboard maps fine.


Link the video when you post it! Not enough videos of people using their uConsole.

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report the bug on GitHub. I know since release they’ve updated the keyboard firmware, they’ll probably update it again.
It might be related to you using Debian instead of the official Clockwork distro for your core. You can probably fix it with some tinkering.

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I am using the official clockwork distro from their download page. I have also updated the keyboard firmware.

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This is fantastic. Thank you for sharing. I’m sure this will help others get the most out of their uConsoles.

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Maybe the posts here will help with gamepad detection?


Hi thanks got the abxy buttons to map in retropie now the dpad and select start buttons only thing is the LR buttons how can we map there to LR in retropie they still wont work.

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I don’t have my hands on a uConsole yet, but I believe that the L and R buttons are mouse buttons. I’d look at Retropie’s instructions for configuring a mouse. Spinners, Trackballs, Lightguns, Mice - RetroPie Docs

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Here is some more important info when you pair the uconsole in retropie note the below.

There will be 2 gamepads detected one is the keyboard which you only need to bind up down left right, the other gamepad you need ABXY SELECT & START use SELECT again for the special button.


Just added a few more systems to my retropie build see below review soon.


Here is the Retropie Video Clockwork Uconsole (Retropie Emulationstation) CM4 Emulation. Clockwork Uconsole (Retropie Emulationstation) CM4 Emulation. - YouTube

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