Failed Attempts to Replace the Default Desktop with i3 on Raspberry Pi OS

I tried to replace the default desktop of the Raspberry Pi OS in the Uconsole official image with i3, but I failed many times. I installed i3 and deleted the default desktop. However, when I restarted the system, it showed an error and I couldn’t access the desktop. I pressed Ctrl+Alt+F2 to enter the terminal to try to fix it, but it didn’t work. I also tried installing the i3 desktop first and then deleting the extra desktop after entering the system, but the same error occurred. After I entered the password, I was not logged in but instead returned to the login screen.

I was able to switch to i3 relatively easy and without error.

I started with the official uConsole image, disabled auto-login, installed i3, swapped greeter-session in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to “lightdm-gtk-greeter”, and rebooted.

Switching to i3 is a button in the top right on the greeter (before login.)

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I will try again bro

not trying to tell you to switch to wayland/sway (sway is a wayland i3 replacement),

but in arch with wayland/sway you kinda do not run any WM by default, login into tty0 and just type exec sway and it removes need of annoying session manager. I like this approach better.