Fan control and temperature on the DevTerm R01

Following up on my own thread here - specific to the R01.

The GitHub wiki page on building for the R01 refers to installing the devterm-fan-temp-daemon-rpi package. This is pointless, as the code will not work at all. I recommended removing that from the build.

I created a couple of shell functions for myself (note that I switched myself to zsh from bash, so these might need to be modified) to check temperature, and to switch fan on and off if needed, which is unlikely.

function temp() {
	(( temp = $((`cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp` / 1000)) ))
	echo $temp C

function fanon() {
	gpio mode 41 out
	gpio write 41 1

function fanoff() {
	gpio mode 41 out
	gpio write 41 0

I’m still looking into a good way to enable user access to gpio, as mentioned here.