Re: removing mail,
SSH into your Gameshell:
cd '/var/mail'
rm cpi
If it gives a permission error,
sudo rm cpi
Consider reading the mail though.
From command line, type;
Then type the number of the corresponding mail message.
Out of interest, was there any reason you decided to update to Debian 10? And were you updating it from 0.3 or 0.4 As @elagost mentioned, if things are running fine, there’s no reason to update it. And it probably is booting up slower, with more added features. Hopefully you tested it out on a spare SD card.
For the record, after installing the update Debian 10, it takes 42 seconds to boot up into the launcher. This is about on par with what it was before. See what happens when you clear the mail @podmaz.
Also, using the Lima driver, I’m having no problems with cutoff screens in any of the stock emulators. I haven’t tested anything else (ie neogeo) since I just flashed a fresh image on a spare card to test things out.
Might be an idea to put up something saying this is something you should only do (for now) if you intend to do any kind of development etc. People who just want to play games probably should steer clear for now.
I think this is starting to get into the territory of getting off topic, but I’ll leave that verdict up to an admin.