Has anyone else done the update and had these problems? I’m getting no WiFI networks visible, and when I press the power button to suspend it’s saying the tools for locking the screen don’t work and asks if I’d like to suspend anyway. It does the same when I wake it up, going straight back to sleep if I say yes.
The thing wanting to go straight back to sleep on waking is why I wanted to lock it in the first place. Well, that and security obviously.
Is there a fix for this? Or am I going to have to reflash and not to the distribution upgrade?
I must say I’m finding the software a little disappointing, with how rough-around-the-edges everything is. I’m still more taken with what the DevTerm could be than with what it is.
Edit: come on, 81 views and no responses? Am I the only one who’s done the update, or am I just the only one who’s had a problem? Please, does anyone know anything about this? I can’t do much with it if I can’t at least connect it to a network.
Can’t give much help on this matter since I skip the update process everytime the prompt comes up
Why not put the current SD card aside and load a new card with freshly-flashed OS? At least you can see clearly if it’s the hardware that’s giving you the trouble…
I don’t currently have another Linux box for writing an SD card on, though I do have a 64GB card that’s not doing anything at the moment… so I guess I could put Debian on my old netbook and mess around on there to put the image on it.
I’m pretty convinced it’s not the hardware though. It was working perfectly (more or less) prior to the upgrade, so I’m guessing what’s happened is that some software was deprecated in the update and some configs got left behind - and, by the look, this hasn’t been anticipated or tested by CPI, so there’s no procedure for repairing it.
Just about - my main box is a Ryzen 9 that makes every other desktop I’ve seen in person look like a toy, haha. I was thinking of the fs is all - wouldn’t I need to be able to write an ext filesystem?
So admittedly I did not write my OS image using Windows, but I did use Balena Etcher on macOS to write it just fine, and I do know that Balena Etcher is compatible with Windows if you are on Windows.
Ohh OK. It wouldn’t have been an issue for me to whop Debian on my old netbook, I don’t use it for anything and I’ve been thinking for a while it might be handy to have a pure Linux box again. I’ll grab the image and see what happens.
Just as an aside, while we’re here - is Debian itself known to work on this? I know Debian maintains an arm64 port, but does that work on the DevTerm? If I’m going to wind up imaging a new card, I might as well see about doing it with the OS I actually want.
Hmm. That looks like a bit of a pain to go through, tbh, so I’ll just go with the OS CPI distributes. I used Rufus to write the A04 image to a spare 64GB SD card, and that’s booted fine. Now I’ll just have to spend some time configuring it and installing my software again - and blocking updates.
Got to say it’s a little bit cheeky that CPI claim the DevTerm has been proven compatible with Debian when there’s no Debian distribution for it. If it takes a lot of work to get Debian working and they’ve tested it, you’d think they might be inclined to release an image for it.
I would have recommended AGAINST doing this upgrade. At the very least, wait for the next Armbian release to happen unless you are very familiar with how Debian or Ubuntu systems are constructed and willing to dig through logs to diagnose weird hardware-enablement problems.
Oh don’t worry, I’ve blocked the new installation from even looking. I know a fair bit about how Debian used to go together, having built a custom arm7 system about twelve years ago - but for one thing, things have changed a helluva lot since then from what I can see; and for another, just plain F that, I have better things to do with my time now. In those days I had the time and a real inclination to drill down into that stuff, but I don’t have that time or inclination now.