Highest order number that received the shipment notice

This one is the CM4 Lite. So CM4…

Screen Shot 2023-10-09 at 11.24.29 AM

One can only hope… :wink:


21088,CM4 Lite, China mainland.
Received on 17th Sep.

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我的订单号是226xx ,同样的CM4 Lite


how come some people with a higher order number receive their uConsole shipment confirmation before others?

@hans The queue is based on models, so the queue for the R-01 was shorter than the others. That is why.

@Kasiin Thanks for the information, ~2 batches and I am getting mine, this is nice!

my order 19443 shipped on 9/24 and arrived 9/26 (USA)
it was a 4GB CM4 version with 4g module

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What’s your color?
My order No. is 21018 in China mainland. CM4 lite
Still no shipping.

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My order No. is 199XX in China mainland. Still no shipment.

Alex replied today about my inquiry…

Order #223xx
Black uconsole
Cm4 wifi+4g

“There will be about 5 more batches to go before yours.”

Sooo… hopefully they start getting batches out faster than ~4 weeks each…


maybe we will get our uConsoles before Christmas this year!!! I enquired about my order 20xxx ordered back in November he said “soon” … eye roll…

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Atleast now… from what i get with an actual number…i think we can infer… shipments are planned… they know the size and what is in them. I asked time and batch info… he only gave batch # meaning the assembly of the batches is still pretty… unstructured…

business strategy… with supply chain issues… it makes more sense to make people wait… not hire more people they can’t keep just to fill the initial demand…

My wait hasn’t been nearly as long as some… but it is compounded when you see people with higher order # getting r-01 units… just gotta remember… the order # isn’t a uconsole order # its for any CPI order in general…

Edit:and when i divide up the latest cm4 received in the top… and my number… i get a batch size of 300… alex problably didn’t include the batch currently being worked on… and leaving order#s for unrelated items… indicating the batch sizes remains ~200 units

My order #241xx I must be at the end of the que.
It’s going to be a long wait for me.

It could be, unless you purchased a less popular model (r-01) it was stated that one of the hold ups… besides a QC issue or 2… have been part availability… A-06 and CM4 have both been… difficult to requisition…

but yes… if you chose a CM4… and nothing changes… you problably wont get it till spring or summer… (this part is my opinion… just keep an eye on the forum for updates)

the color is black (i had to write it like that because one word answers are not allowed by the forum, lol)

and then writing that above and posting i got

so you will get my answer later i guess…

At the current pace, 5-6 months, taking into account 1 batch per month.

My wife purchased black Wi-Fi +4G with Raspberry pi CM4. As Christmas present for me.

My order number is 205** “uConsole Kit RPI-CM4 Lite Black Wifi only”.
Some have received their CM4 or their R-01 version it looks more like the color is the problem.

I don’t think it’s the colour the cm4 was hard to source a couple of months back. But I think that because the pi 5 is in the news that things are looking a little bit better in my opinion. :grinning:

its more to do with this CEO: Raspberry Pi stock to hit 1M units monthly, starting in July | Ars Technica