his processors and doubt

Help me guys with something, I’m new and I’m almost buying a uconsole but I don’t know which processor to buy, I’ve been looking at the cm4104032, does it work with the uconsole?

You want a CM4 with wifi and no emmc.
So cm410X000 where X is 1, 2, 4,or 8.
Emmc will work fine, but the way CM4s are built means having emmc disables the SD card slot and you need a separate carrier board to flash the emmc because you can’t do it in the uconsole. So it’s just a bigger hassle to set up.
The uconsole mainboard has wifi but it’s not connected to the cm4 connectors on the adapter board so you need a CM4 with wifi.


I do not say you shoulnd’t buy it – it’s a great, but check this thread before: Update: uConsole shipping related

So I can put a cm4 108000 in it and it will support it normally?

yes, that’s what a lot of people use

i in relation to batteries what is the best recommendation ?