I’m looking to replace the CM4 board in my uConsole with another one, to try to get some adequate wifi capability. I know very little about it, but I have a question: I see some on Amazon, with the number CM4104032, meaning it’s a CM4, with 4GB ram and 32GB eMMC Flash mem. I got my uConsole with the model number CM4-D, 4GB, and it’s billed on this site as having 32GB
Flash. Does anyone know if this module will slide in as a replacement, or if there is a more elegant way to go, to make the wifi work?
Another thing: the images of the Amazon board are different in the number of visible chips, and the one I’ve got says UK/CA. Mine seems to have no eMMC chip, so far as I can tell (LITE?). On the other hand, it comes with an exterior antenna…
More info about my application: I got the uConsole as a backup writing computer, on which to run a DOS word processor (VDE) in a DOS Shell. Still have to figure out how to make the screen display portrait, but so far I can use the HDMI and PSU the way I want…
You’ll want either a CM4104000 or CM4108000. the 00 at the end is for not having eMMC. You’ll need a sd card but makes use a lot simpler. If you get one with eMMC you’ll need a separate IO board to flash the OS to and then put it in the uConsole.
And with the emmc version, you can’t use the SD slot at the same time. I tested both solutions and finally I used the lite version, because it is much more practical to burn. But if you don’t break the OS every day , the emmc version is faster and more durable.
I watched enough commentary on the CM5 to scare me: incompatibility seems to grow on bushes there, and even jumping those hurdles doesn’t seem to solve everything. Besides, I’m not a speed or storage freak; Word processing really isn’t that demanding. I do wish I had another usb, but if I take out the 2.5mhz keyboard dongle, I can save my backups using the one I have… I wonder… could I use a split-out, like a ganged usb bank, to do the two things at once?
(nor do I have skills, and because I’m fixed on my writing, I’m not going to be into doing all that much learning (sorry!))
Latest: I’ve ordered an exterior antenna, and I’ll see if I can make it work…
Sadly enough, that’s a lesson I’ve learned. But I don’t really need a browser much, only my preferred word processor, which I’ll jump through hoops to have handy… (DOS Shell running) the VDE editor, on a portrait monitor and ergonomic kbd (Perixx). So far I’ve got the screen and my kbd running; now I just need the shell and portrait screen, and I’m backed up for the Apocalypse!
Ah…yeah… but that one is for a C connexion, whereas I need A for my dongle and backup key … unless there are C-plugging keys around, but I haven’t seen such. However I just ran across a double plug that might solve it pretty well - even has another usb3 plug on it.
Haven’t had luck getting the bluetooth running from my kbd yet, but the 2.5mz plugs and runs seamlessly, and I’ve learned to let the wind blow when it’s running right…
Didn’t even know bluetooth could be easy, till this one worked out of the (Goodwill) box on my (yes) iPad…