Let's Play... some Debian packaged games from the Warehouse

Thanks!! I already tried unclutter, but I couldn’t figure out a way to get it to work properly at startup. I tried putting it in that file I mentioned above, after the startx command had run. And I tried putting it in my own .xinitrc. I’m not sure about the startup sequence so I wasn’t sure where to run it. Though it’s mentioned online as automatically running at startup, it doesn’t do that on Gameshell for me. When I run it manually though, it DOES hide the cursor. I just haven’t figured out where to put it in the startup process. :frowning:

I wonder if hhpc is any better? Sounds like it might work in some cases where unclutter doesn’t. I’d still need to figure out where to put it to get it to start when the Gameshell boots up.

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try put unclutter & into .xinitrc file before the launch of the window manager

if this file is the current one :
launching it into the “gameshell” case just before the exec ~/launcher/dwm-mod -w must work

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i cannot find anywhere the dwm-mod source code, in arch port i use monsterwm, that’s him who handle the window context switch (+ backlight/volume control anywhere), it could also be done on clockworkos, directly replace dwm with my monsterwm fork may work. ( bin, source )

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Thanks again! Adding it before the dwm-mod line works. I had tried several other things that didn’t work, including putting it after that line (I figured the window manager had to start up first but I guess I was wrong?)

gameshell )
exec ~/launcher/aria2c --conf-path=/home/cpi/launcher/aria2.conf &
feh --bg-center ~/launcher/sys.py/gameshell/wallpaper/loading.png
cd ~/launcher/sys.py/ ; python appinstaller.py > /tmp/appinstaller.log
& cd ~/
exec ~/launcher/load.sh &
exec ~/launcher/sys.py/gsnotify/gsnotify-arm &
#exec awesome -c ~/launcher/awesome/rc.lua
exec /usr/bin/unclutter &
exec ~/launcher/dwm-mod -w

Seems like the default timeout is about 5 seconds, so I’m going to add the idle parameter and set it to 2.

I’m going to try that hhpc option too (not running it at the same time, but instead of noclutter), just in case noclutter doesn’t work in some cases. If hhpc works I might just switch over to that. The description of hhpc implies that noclutter has issues with some accelerated video stuff, and I’m wondering if that means it might fail to work for some emulators or games on Gameshell. I can see it working already for the launcher itself though.

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when .xinitrc script reach end the xserver close,
so the last thing to run must not be in background and is the window manager
the wm get hand and must never quit, so script cannot execute what is set after the wm exec line
all who’s run before must be in background, adding trailing & to the command

from arch linux unclutter page, it’s a pretty old tool who where (in arch) dropped in favor of a full rewrite

Unclutter is a tool from the early 90s and has not been updated since. It works by creating fake windows or active pointer grabs, both of which often cause problems. By now, the X11 extensions Xinput2 and Xfixes have been released and are commonly found on most user systems. Using those, unclutter-xfixes-gitAUR can provide the cursor hiding functionality without interfering with any application.

As of December 2018, community/unclutter will actually ship this rewrite instead of the original


I tried hhpc and it works.

By the way, the .xinitrc that Gameshell actually uses is in the ~/launcher directory. There’s one in the regular home directory but it seems like extra junk that isn’t used. I switched over to hhpc in mine now, and just copied the tiny executable into the ~/launcher directory. Since hhpc doesn’t use any other config files, I figured it was cleaner to just put it there and run it from there. If I notice anything weird I can always switch back to unclutter. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info about how xinit works!