[OS] Arch Linux

is that like a console? it seems to me that we can do cheaper not with a pi zero?

How are RetroArch and its cores installed? is it using the Arch repo or are they compiled by you?. .

Just want to say thanks for this! Been using this build for years and just had to log in to add more games so needed this thread to find the credentials. Anyway this is super stable and fast, no need to mess around with clunky overdesigned GUIs. Thanks a bunch!

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thanks a lot !

glad to see it used <3

do you still have the image OS?
i would like to download it

server hard drive is dead last week,

i curently reinstalling things, give a look tomorow at the initial link

hope to be able to have the pacman repo up too as well.

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i am sorry fo that.

Donā€™t hurry up, iā€™ll be waiting for it, take your time.

it must be ok :slight_smile: have fun!

Hi @r043v, can I upgrade RetroArch, following steps in RetroArch Megathread?
My GameShell is off for years but yesterday Iā€™ve decided to give it a chance with your image. And it worked very well. But RA seems quite out of date. Iā€™m wondering if it is easy to upgrade it myself. Thanks!

p/s: I just found out that RetroArch was broken with updated mesa-lima-20.1.0. Reverting back to mesa-lima-20.0.0 fix the issue for me :innocent:

as arch linux is a rolling release distro you will always have access to the mainline latest things directly from the official repo

else kernel as it get patch and need manual intervertion.

you can directly get latest from official arch linux repo or compile it yourself like from the thread (starting at git step) or just using aur (arch user repository) by using pikaur -S retroarch-git

retroarch present in image must be from official repo

meaning do a normal system upgrade will update it as well

so only one command by ssh :

sudo pacman -Syu

edit > sure as itā€™s a rolling release it may need time to time revert things or wait update :smiley: but yet still suported and fresh after some years

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i canā€™t download it, iā€™ve tried those 3 links and didnā€™t work.

work for me https://gs.dread.fr/arch/arch.linux.arm.gs.beta.gz

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