[PCSX] Where are located the savestates?

Hi everyone,

I’ve just reset my Gameshell to switch to a new SD Card (I made a copy don’t worry).
Anyone knows where are located the saves and savestates in PCSX ? Which folder I need to copy ? What type of files are they ?

For the GB/GBA emulators I found them in the same folder as the roms with .srm/.sav and .state files but cannot find any for the PCSX.

Thanks ! Have a good day everyone !

I remember looking for them too at some point, I think they should be here:


Thank you for your quick response.
Yep. It was exactly in /home/cpi/apps/emulators/.pcsx/sstates/NAME-BLABLA214214.000. In case someone is looking for his savestates.
I also found the memory cards files not so far from this folder.

Thanks again !