What I use on my R01 is usually just bloat ( bloat - A web client for Mastadon Network , I have a version with a lot of changes at GitHub - pete/bloat: Mirror of a minimal set of changes to BloatFE / git.debu.gs Git - bloat/summary ). It runs fine on w3m or other super-minimal browsers. I use bloat from mothra: the R-01 runs drawterm ( http://drawterm.9front.org/ ) just fine, so I can connect to the Plan 9 machines.
There’s also sshocial ( Duponin / sshocial · GitLab ) which doesn’t require a browser, but I haven’t used it; the instance I’m on has an ssh interface built in.
I kind of wonder why CPi doesn’t run an instance. It’d be pretty cool to be able to get news there. (I locked my Twitter account and quit using it in 2018, but you can’t even use Nitter to read Twitter accounts any more.) On the other hand, every time I talk about the DevTerm or uConsole on fedi, people tell me it’s not a useful device and that it’s impossible to do work on it, even if I am talking about having worked on it all day.