Telegram app on CM4

Just managed to install Telegram on Uconsole CM4
The 3,5mm mic / earphones set sound out working but
no signal from mic.
What you other users are using on microphone side?

My unit have also 4G modem included, must test that side too.
But waiting for proper SIM.

The headphone jack on the modem is only for the modem, it won’t talk back to the pi.

Know that.
Have problem mic not working on the Pi side.

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not sure on that. I don’t even own wired headphones anymore.

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Microphone is not supported on the main board through the headphone jack with CM4. Apparently it is supported with the A06 though.

See this post, and later comments for more details.

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Here’s the best answer I can think of: USB microphone. Or Bluetooth.


Thank you ALL
it is good to know that about wired mic is not a bug but feature :wink:

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