You have to buy another one from aliexpress, the ones that come with the uConsole are often bad. Getting the right one can take months… :S
It’s what I call “the great alibaba lottery”…
Have you tried reseating it? When mine played up I took off the front cover, reseated it and it has been fine since.
any preffered sellers for these trackballs? 
I have ordered mine here
But had the same issue. Something was stuck on one of the magnetic rollers (like a solder or so), just scraped it with my fingernail and done. The trackball is much better than the original one.
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thanks! you fixed my trackball! I took it out a second time and studied it real close. found a wheel that was not pushed all the way in it’s leg as the others. pushed it in, heard a click, and who-la xD
I think most people settle for some precision/speed but after 6 months of trying 10 different trackballs I can safely say you can always find a better one!
1 of the ones I linked (the first I tried of the good looking ones) is as good as I have got them. Fast, precise and consistent. A rarity!
Analog things have infinite improvement potential. XD
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yeah, I ordered that too, but wanted to have something that worked meanwhile I find a trackball I like. and also… speed of delivery from ali to Norway is roughly a month
so I did have to find a temp solution