Update: uConsole shipping related

It has now been over 7 months since I ordered without word from ClockworkPi. I guess it’s time to start sending emails.


That’s what I did. I ordered mine about nine months ago. Sent an emal to Alex about a month ago asking for status. He told me it would be in the next batch. Still no shipping notice. But, soon I hope!

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Alex said in email again that it will take some time.
He mentioned that the fact some higher orders receive first is because of different versions.
Mine is a black, wifi only with CM4 core.

Did anyone ever changed the order to non-core?
Or is it required to cancel the current order and start a new one?

And still nothing :upside_down_face:

No updates and short of a small handful of people getting theirs in the last month, it looks like things have come to a halt again. Some communication would be nice.

A simple e-mail and Alex takes care of it, in less than 8 hours. The order will be modified and a refund of 70 will be sent!


I know it’s hard to have patience. Paranoia and other negativity factors step into play if you let that into your life. But don’t let that take over your mind. Think positivee. :slight_smile: Trust them, you will get it. I got mine. They are trying really hard to please a lot of people and have been flooded with orders and work. In addition several production problems had to be overcome. But clockwork is good people. They will get you your order. Just please bear with them, and be happy in the confidence that you will get your device. I got mine. Many others have theirs. It’s just a really popular product and the number of orders is so vast. Hang in there and best wishes! :slight_smile:


I hesitated to cancel, but I still want to enjoy this wonderful work.

Removing the CM4 may save me delivery time, but it will also allow me to choose the CM4 configuration I want.

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Have any of you received an message from Alex in the last few days?
I haven’t yet received an answer to my mail on Tuesday about when my uconsole (ordered at the beginning of January) will arrive…

In addition, there seems to have been no shipment for more than three weeks.
Slowly we should get a new sign of life from clockwork.

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Thank you for the information.

Well, it doesn’t seem to be possible in my case:
I shared with Alex that I would like to exchange my order to a non-core but I would like to know first how the $70 refund would be done since my original credit card is expired and bank provided me a new one.

So he entered in a loop of “we can only refund the entire order to a different account. Or we can refund as your request to the original payment method.”

What a terrible experience.

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So I reached out to the business email, and…well I’m just gonna share the conversation

Seeing it has been 90 business days and I haven’t received any shipping notice, I would like to ask you about the status of my order as per below. Are there any estimates on when will my order be shipped? Have there been any issues you needed to adress which could result in shipping delay? I would appreciate some specific information.
Thank you.

To which I got the generic:

Sorry for the waiting.
There will be about 4 more batches to go before yours.
Best regards.

Not being satisfied with the nothingburger, I tried to prod Alex for more information:

Hi Alex,
I’m sorry but that doesn’t really tell me much, so I’ll follow up with a few more questions to clarify if you don’t mind:
How many units is one batch?
How long does it usually take on average to process one batch?
Is the processing time affected by other factors, such as availability of Compute Modules/4G expansion boards?
Thank you for taking your time to answer these questions, the information might help me better understand the process so I can explain it further to other members on the forums.

I think these would help right? Sadly we have another nothingburger of an answer, the likes of which have been seen here in one way or the other:

We are working on a batch at this moment. Since the supply condition is getting better, we expect the production to be constant.
We are trying to maintain a 3~5-batch-a-month schedule.
The production is relying on supply of the parts, mostly the metal parts.
Best regards.

I’d say that the last sentence in particular is the only valuable nugget of information. Not exactly the kind of answer I was looking for, knowing how much constitutes a batch would greatly help here, but since others already tried different approaches only to get same exact result, it would be insanity for me to continue prying.

Oh well, I already missed two deadlines I cared about, and I highly doubt I’ll get it before christmas. So I’ll just try not to think about it, and carry on as I were.


I wish they would ship my cm4 adapter board, i could use that in my Devterm while I wait for the uConsole.

Same situation, mailed last week but still awaiting a response.

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Got an answer.

“Sorry it has been a slow month, but a new batch of metal parts will arrive soon, we will start a new batch right away.”

Let us Hope, that the Metal parts will arrive soon.


This thing is so cool! I was surprised to get mine so quickly since I live in the southeastern USA near Atlanta. I just came home one day and it was on the steps in a box. I ordered a black one with cellular and no cm4. I got the cm4 somewhere else. It took a little over 100 days to get the device. But once I put it all together it worked, (that is after I reversed the cm4 chip I put in upside down). It’s so cool to go to a restaurant and pull it out and use the cellular modem to look up websites, read emails, and more. For me it gets a great wifi signal too! I have no problem with the wifi antenna at all. I just love watching Kali boot up and linux scroll rapidly down the screen. It’s like having the world in your pocket. :slight_smile: What a great device!


mine is 305xx, see u guys in half year


Asked for an update. Got the following answer within few hours.

“Yes, we are working on your order at this moment.”

Let us keep our fingers crossed…

wow, from Jan? what color did you choose alxx

Black, with cm4 and 4G → seems to be the worst combination


well, good luck my friend, let us know when you get it

Same here, Jan 17th order - Black, CM4, 4G. Was told it would be in the “next batch” about 6 weeks ago. I assume they are now on that “next batch”.