uPico Expansion Card

Are any new cards being build or am i too late for the party? Maybe someone have theirs for sell? :wink:

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Just got my clockwork unit and looking for gpio expansion port. I added my name to the waiting list and hope the next batch won’t be too long of a wait. This unit seems to be the perfect tool to teach my son some computer science and engineering.

My uconsole arrived a couple of days ago so I finally got to install this card. All I’ve done so far is flash some leds but it was awesome. The cli for this is great. Thanks @Vitaly!

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When are USB ones back in stock? I ant to buy some

hello, i’m having trouble with getting the board working, as i am too running bookworm (kernel version 6.6.37-v8+). when I try to install the pico-blink demo i get the following error.

Failed to mount Pico drive

any help trouble shooting this would be appreciated.

ended up figuring out my issue, there was a temp file that needed to be removed as the service kept failing to start correctly. once i removed the upico process lock file everything started to work correctly.

Hi, I have the same problem: cannot mount (cm4) but the service starts fine:

alke@clck-picm4:~ $ systemctl status upico
● upico.service - upico
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/upico.service; enabled; vendor preset:>
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2024-08-04 21:02:56 CEST; 11min ago
   Main PID: 568 (upico)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 8910)
        CPU: 137ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/upico.service
             └─568 /usr/local/bin/upico service

Aug 04 21:02:56 clck-picm4 systemd[1]: Started upico.
alke@clck-picm4:~ $ upico boot -m
Failed to mount Pico drive
alke@clck-picm4:~ $ upico power status
VDD:  ON  
USB:  ON  

any help would be appreciated

Which way does the GPIO face? Will a hat protrude down or up?

Any 1 know where I can buy a GPIO FPC connector?

Is this it? 40-pin FPC to Straight 2x20 IDC Female Socket Header | The Pi Hut

Sold Out! Please when will uPico Expansion Card become available again?

I finally got my hands on a uConsole from eBay and see I just missed the 1st batch,
maybe someone has an extra they want to sell? Added to Tindie waitlist anyway…

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I’m interested in uPico too!

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I would like to buy one. When are they back in stock? Also will you be making one with the RP2350?

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Hi everyone, sorry for not answering so long, but right now I moved to Ukraine to help fighting occupiers and I can’t fulfill any uPico or uHub orders for near future.
If anyone want to sell those boards you are welcome, everything is fully open sourced, and you can use any SMT services like a JLCPCB for manufacturing. I’ll happy to add links to your store on GitHub pages for those projects.

Glory to Ukraine :ukraine:


Slava Ukraini!!
Be safe!


I wish you well in Ukraine.
Just wanted to give an observation : adding the GPIO expansion and the use of Pico-8 makes in like a PocketCHIP with even more uses. That is so cool.