We're still using apt-key in 2023?

Anybody else getting a ton of trusted.gpg errors running apt?

yeah, I was able to grab the needed keys from the ubuntu key server and then add them to /etc/apt/keyrings/ and update the sources files to reference them.

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I haven’t had any APT gpg errors. The only APT related issue I’ve had so far was when updating temporarily broke my WiFi, but i was already expecting that from other peoples posts.

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cm4 or a06?

extra crap characters…

I got the CM4 model, and im still using the default image that shipped with it while I tinker on a separate SD card.

This is unrelated to the topic, but I must say the WiFi on the CM4 model is unreliable AF and the Bluetooth is terrible. I am actually getting worse WiFi connection and more drops when telling it to use the external antenna using dtparam=ant2 and unless I have the top back part of the uConsole pointed at my BT receiver i cant even use it for connecting a mouse and keyboard.

I have the A06, and it had the key errors.

Could you walk me through how to do this please? I have attempted it and got nowhere. A06, on freshly imaged SD card I have tried in the command line and in the gui to import the keys but apt update still fails saying missing public key.

Sure. First, copy the key ID from the error message. It will look something like: “648ACFD622F3D138”

Then grab that key:

gpg --keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys KEYID

Next, export the key as a file:

gpg --export KEYID > REPONAME.gpg

Then copy it to the keyrings directory:

sudo cp REPONAME.gpg /etc/apt/keyrings/REPONAME.gpg

Then edit the appropriate apt sources file to reference the keys:

echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/REPONAME.gpg] https://somerepo.com/apt stable main" |
    sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/REPONAME.list

I just went in and edited the files so the URL and everything was correct
Finally, delete the old keys from the trusted gpg db if any:

sudo apt-key del KEYID

also doesn’t help the github cli cert is expired.

Thanks for this, I will try this out tonight.