What happened to my Retroarch? Pls help

Ok. Thanks for all of the help.

just for the confirmation, without format, you still can use etcher to continue the flashing process,right?
cause I have not using windows for years, not 100% sure about that now

Yes. Thank you for the help

I’m guessing that you changed the video driver to GL, from SDL2? That seems to be the common culprit. Either that, or following a tutorial/script that tells you to do so.

If you’re still having trouble, open your existing Retroarch.cfg with an editor of some sorts, and look for the line that says “video driver”, and replace whatever you have there with “sdl2”. It’s in alphabetical order if that helps.

I have a suspicion that the default installation doesn’t have all the correct assets, dependencies and/or permissions set for GL to work.

If you want to fiddle, and want a more complete set of variables to tinker with, try installing it from scratch.

I wouldn’t recommend anyone discuss where to obtain Illegal rom sites here.

On a side note, in future, unless you really know what you’re doing, try changing your Retroarch to not save config settings on exit. That way you won’t accidentally break things, fiddling with settings.

Also, change things, one at a time so you know what ends up breaking things. And keep a backup config file. You can actually do that from within Retroarch.