Windows95 on Uconsole

I bring you Windows 95 on Uconsole yes the mouse and right left mouse keys all work great. Used retropie and then dospox pure with a custom image i have. Some fine tuning in settings and its all up.When i have time i will try to do a guide for all any questions just ask me.


Very impressive! Can’t wait for your guide as it’s one of my purposes to bring windows 95 on uconsole


I guess i will do a video it be more easy the process is the same for any device if it can run retroarch.


Ooh, thats an idea i never had! You mention a custom image, is that a requirement to get this working or can I use a retail 95 or maybe even a Win98 SE image?

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You can use any .img file but make sure its been setup already like things you want installed etc.

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