So PocketSNES opens but says it can’t load the rom? That’s strange. Have you tried different roms?
Ah, i just saw a mistake on my side. I wrote “action.script” in my last post, but it’s actually action.config. Sorry about that. So the action.config is the way to go for the PocketSNES.
Now what you called action.script in your first image should have the extension “.sh”. You can launch all emulators except PocketSNES via an sh file.
Sorry again about that confusion.
Good news! I got the standalone emulators installed (Even though I still feel like the performance barely changed.) but snes Roms say “Invaid” when I try to load the engine.
Also, I’m using standalone GPSP, but it runs badly. Is there any other standalone emulators, like mgba for example, and if there is, can someone provide a link?