Audible or Visual warning if the batttery is about to give out

In launcher after 1.22
we switch TWM to Awesome for global notification window and prevent focus-stealing and maybe other features

This is an introduction to the pre-trial. if you are not good at linux console
Later, there will be an official release.
So do it on your own risk


Manually, you need ssh into gameshell

make sure you have launcher >= 1.21 running with bluetooth support(sudo apt-get install bluez bluetooth)

Upgrade launcher

currently there is no release hash for launcher ,so you just need to

cd /home/cpi/apps/launcher
git pull

then move launcher out of /home/cpi/apps/ to /home/cpi/

The launcher will become more independent so that we can backup the user data easier in the future

mkdir /home/cpi/apps/Menu

Create a folder named Menu , this folder is for games/apps

We can put our games/apps, which was previously needed to place in the /home/cpi/apps/launcher/Menu/GameShell , into this directory (not belong to launcher`s)

and the games/apps folder is the all-in-one style
the icon ,the startup script, and others be in one simple folder, no need to put icon and script apart like before(
scripts in /home/cpi/apps/launcher/Menu/GameShell and icons in /home/cpi/apps/launcher/skin/default/Menu/GameShell/)

games/apps folder examples:

All of the above examples come from the forum players, thank you all, I just borrowed , I hope you wouldn’t mind


Then change the bottom of /home/cpi/.bashrc to point X to use new .xinitrc inside launcher

if [ -f /tmp/autologin ]
        rm -f /tmp/autologin
        mpd ~/.mpd.conf
        startx /home/cpi/launcher/.xinitrc -- -nocursor > /dev/null 2>&1 


feh --bg-center ~/launcher/ 
exec ~/launcher/ &
exec ~/launcher/ &
exec awesome -c ~/launcher/awesome/rc.lua

Here is , new .xinitrc invoked a small widget called gsnotify


Though the readme of gsnotify ,there are 3 examples
one of them is the battery notify script


BAT_PNT=`upower -i $(upower -e | grep 'battery') | grep -E "state|to\ full|percentage" | awk '/perc/{print $2}' | cut -d % -f1 `

if [ "$BAT_PNT" -lt "20" ]; then
	if [ "$BAT_PNT" -lt "15" ]; then
			echo '{"type":"once","content":"Power<15%"}'

	if [ "$BAT_PNT" -lt "10" ]; then
		echo "keydown" | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/gameshell
		echo '{"type":"repeat","content":"Power<10%,will poweroff soon"}'

	echo "keydown" | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/gameshell
	echo '{"type":"once","content":"Power<20%"}'

	echo $BAT_PNT

the script use upower to check the battery ,get percent
and use socat to communicate launcher’s unix socket under /tmp/ to light the screen if the screen is in dark
and of cause ,print the message to gsnotify to show up

you can put the script into /home/cpi/launcher/ now

The gsnotify will do a round-robin check every 30s for the scripts under /home/cpi/launcher/ directory in simple json return formatted and
show a small window that slides down from the top, reminding the battery that it is nearly exhausted, etc.
and freely configurable

Install awesome and upower

sudo apt-get install awesome socat upower


Fix RetroArch issue

Even All is done ,you will not see any notifications while retroarch is running,because
the retroarch in GS ,is kind a wild window for X11 currently now
so change config to fix this issue by two lines:

in top of /home/cpi/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg

video_fullscreen = "false"
video_windowed_fullscreen = "true"



upgrade to debian buster to get newer software

in /etc/apt/source.list
change all source to buster
then upgrade the debian system

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install awesome socat upower


At end:

In the new launcher , we use Awesome to deal on-top windows ,even the battery monitor widget can work better , no need to kill and re-launch it time by time

I apologize for my bad English. If you have any accidents during the actual operation or do not understand my explanation, please let me know, let’s do more tests together.