DevTerm not responsive with either A04 or CM3

Hello, I have a DevTerm that I haven’t used for a while and I thought I would give a try using a CM3 on it. I have the A04 board that came with it and also a CM3+ lite stick I bought. I installed the proper firmware for CM3 on a microSD, popped it in, turned it on, and left it alone for a few minutes so it could do its setup. When I checked back in the green power indicator was still on but the screen still wasn’t and it didn’t turn on with a reboot either. I pulled both out and flashed different firmware on a different SD card to see if the old A04 stick still worked, and when I turn that on I can at least see the screen flash (presumably because the firmware for the screen is built into the board) but it similarly doesn’t respond or show any indicators of working.

I have tried both configurations with both USB power (with proper voltage, of course) and on battery but it doesn’t seem to affect anything. My best guess right now is that the motherboard, which is a CPI 3.14v4, has an issue, but I don’t know how I would go about testing or diagnosing it other than ordering a new one, which is not ideal since the website still says that shipping could take several months.

I wonder if one of Rex’s operating systems will work with the cm3 (+)? I’m tempted to buy one and try it.

Some of us will have a06 sitting around, mine will be as soon as my cm4 adapter gets shipped.

What country are you in? Maybe someone can ship you a known working SD card or card+processor.

I just ordered a cm3+ for my Devterm, have to see if I can make it go. Might be enough for the tasks I need it to do.