DevTerm OS CM3 image files

Unless you want to Create DevTerm CM3 OS image from scratch. We will use this page to share our official DevTerm OS CM3 image files here:


Download: ==> Mirror #1 ==> Torrent
md5sum: bef6c111863f8d2e6ef1cb23be354152
Size: 3.2G
v0.1 latest release note:

Based on the Raspberry Pi OS ARM32 system Linux Kernel v4.19
Friendly modified LXDE POWERED BY desktop environment Raspberry Pi 
Rechargeable battery energy management
Standard CUPS thermal printer driver support
(Both username and password for the default user is pi, if not modified during initial boot)
Following the principle of [minimal changes from scratch](
**A BIG THANK YOU** to the open source ecosystem and all supporters from around the world!

Downloading been blocked, because of protocol mismatch:

Screen Shot 2021-09-24 at 4.39.04 PM

The github wiki still shows the mega link.

I created a page on the main wiki with this info


Going to add the torrent file to my CPi seed server

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Should this not say default user is “pi” but default password is “raspberry”? Or has this changed from Raspberry OS?

Are there any new updates comparing with the system from mega.gz ?

I think it has been changed from the Raspberry OS. Both the default username and password is pi,user will be prompted to change the default password during the first boot-up.

@Glbr_Hanson Sorry, I believe SSL cercificate is not setup for the dl sub-domain yet, please try the mirror link or the torrent.
@v_nannan There is no difference, the link is the same system image.
@ksbex @Godzil Thanks for your help!

Okay I’ll update the wiki

lol, nevermind you already did

Any chance yall could make an updated CM3 devterm image?

Ideally, based off of either:

  • 2023-12-05-raspios-bookworm-arm64.img.xz
  • 2023-12-11-raspios-bookworm-arm64-lite.img.xz

The version on the site is still v0.1a and has a lot of programs installed that could be installed as needed instead.

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+1 would be cool - especially if the power-drain-when-devterm-is-turned-off could be solved in this release

The CM3 is a useful compromise between the RISC-V and the CM4 options.

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The power drain when off problem can be fixed by changing a SMT resistor. I posted something about it quite awhile back.

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I did a bit of digging and I think it was this:

Yup, that is it. Haven’t had an issue after I did that mod. Still have the CM3 in the DevTerm. I have the CM4 in the uConsole and it doesn’t have that problem.

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