Help: I want to creat ShortCuts for games, that appear on my homescreen

Thank you for providing the screen shots!! It really helps make sure we have the right info!

The fact there was sound playing but no display sounds like a potential PocketSNES configuration problem. Does SMW4 work on pocket snes, using the conventional navigation?

Potentially try and use different indexes for the “export display=:$” - like replace $ with 1, of any other number going up. That’s just for testing mind you.

I’m seeing your edits happen just as I’m about to suggest things. Nice! I was going to double check the chmod. Looks like you have it. What happens when you run the script instead of manually running the contents of the script?


cd home/cpi/apps/Menu/02_Favourite-Games/

In fact, does the shortcut script appear in your favourites folder? Try running it, and when it has an error, type this in your SSH session:

cat /tmp/x.log

Post what the results are and we should be able to work out the problem.

Side note. If you want to have the folder called “Favourite Games”, you can. You just need to type it like this in your ssh session

Favourite\ Games

Just to humour me, could you try and write my custom image to the stock 16GB Sd card the gameshell came with? Repeat the process to see if it works. I just am curious to see if perhaps there is something that may have broken in the official 0.5 image.

If you don’t have time, that’s all good! I’ll test my exact instructions out on my own gameshell. Admittedly I’m just going off the top of my head/from memory, and could have made a mistake!

Re: retro games vanishing, ah I remember there was a glitch regarding missing folders! I fixed it in my image. I logged the fix somewhere. Let me see if I can find it.

That was just the first result. It should have been something that was fixed. Try running the update script in the gameshell settings. This should update the launcher. Keep in mind, it can sometimes remove customisation you’ve made, and occasionally break your installation, so backup before updating.