Let's play Brutal Doom!

Hello! Welcome to the forums! :slight_smile:

Aha!! Yup! This is a bug in the launcher that needs to be addressed.
For now, move the zdoom into any where. Eg.

mv /home/cpi/apps/Menu/05_zdoom/ /home/cpi/apps/Menu/20_Retro\ Games/05_zdoom/

To get rid of the bug re retro games going missing,

rm /home/cpi/launcher/Menu/GameShell/20_Retro\ Games/

It’s a completely empty directory that shouldn’t be there, and causes problems. This bug will cause problems trying to have any folder take up a spot before retro games.

As for making the brutal doom pk3 load, you can define the variable in the action.config. I didn’t do this, since it’s a manual thing to enable, if you’re using a doom/doom2 WAD. I’ll make a separate action.config to match:

mkdir -pv /home/cpi/apps/Menu/20_Retro\ Games/06_brutal
printf %s "ROM=/home/cpi/games/ChocoDM
EXT=wad, WAD, pk3, PK3
LAUNCHER=zdoom -width 320 -height 240 -file /home/cpi/games/ChocoDM/brutalv20p.pk3 -iwad
TITLE=Brutal Doom
SO_URL=" > /home/cpi/apps/Menu/20_Retro\ Games/06_brutal/action.config

I’ll edit the script to make these changes by default! Thanks for pointing these out! :slight_smile: