Highest order number that received the shipment notice

Gives us something to talk about since we don’t have our uconsoles yet. :rofl:


yay! at this rate i should have mine by Christmas 2024! 2065X order number.

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I hope you have a Merry Christmas!!! or maybe a great Labor Day, or Thanksgiving… New Year… Presidents Day, Valentines??? … look forward to us all getting our orders … in the mean time… still repurposing old laptops with linux…

My humble opinion is that batches 1 & 2 are the biggest hurdle. I think most orders should be fulfilled by Q4 2023.


The 2nd batch is coming. Please comment below only if you have your tracking number, this way we will have a vague notion on how it is going. Inform the order number and the model you choose!


90 business days <> 1 whole year. Now, if they said, please allow for a full year due to current supply chain issues, there would be no problem.

What we have here is a simple case of, “Over promise, under deliver.” The value of money declines over time. The longer you have to wait for an item you paid and planned for, the value diminishes considerably.

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I would suggest for those that inflation is an issue to get a refund before the value of that refund has diminished into nothing :slight_smile:

Clearly the wait time was an arbitrary estimate based on some expectation of production and clearly they missed that ship date AND missed on their time estimate.

People are waiting for $50,000usd cars for 6-12 months delivery after making payment due to global production issues. I waited for 3 months after paying for a car. Imagine something as vital as a car going undelivered… I only relay that anecdote as a frame of perspective when compared to luxury goods such as electronic computing devices in a cyberpunk format.


I believe that the second batch is arriving in China mainland, @chnjyxz provided his order number, he got the his unit today. They shipped the CM4 model without the adapter again :frowning:


thank you for that excellent perspective on things - our transmission just died on a car that was too old to repair economically - we had to pay a premium on a used car to get us back on the road - there are many more things to worry about . (on the bright side the newer car gets about 35 mpg versus the older car that got ~25…


Obviously the times for the last 2 batches of 200 aren’t how it’s going to be as they ramp us production, but I made a spreadsheet to set worst case expectations.


So since my order is #20001 I should expect it just after New Year’s. Nothing like waiting over a year for a product that listed a 90 day ship time when ordered!

i think they might’ve meant venus days

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I just got a shipmentmail. Ordernr 192xx A06+cellular.

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Just got my email: 193xx, CM4 Black, no 4g.


Got mine too, #193XX A06 black, no 4g.


Shipping email received: 193xx, CM4 Silver, no 4G.

Order was placed Oct 25, 2022. For those keeping score at home, that’s around 215 business days, or 301 calendar days.

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Now a new waiting game has started… checks package tracker for the 10th time since the email.


Thank you ladies and gentlemen for sending this out, just updated the table.

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--Postgres Table
CREATE TABLE cwp_uconsole_tracking (
   id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, --Use as batch number
   'date' DATE,
   description VARCHAR(25),
   units INT,
   range_low INT,
   range_high INT,
   days_per_batch INT
) ;

Seems like the second batch delivers A-06 orders mostly, even 199XX has received delivery email.