How do you install VS Code?

This post from December 2021 says you can get vscode “with apt”, but when I try to sudo apt install code, it tells me E: Package 'code' has no installation candidate.

It also mentions that it’s referred to by another package, which “may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source”.

This is just after booting up the factory image that arrived on the Micro SD card on 2022-05-20 and running all the System Update programs (including ultimately running sudo apt update and sudo apt full-upgrade, because I got tired of how the GUI updater looked frozen, with little progress feedback).

Has there been some kind of packaging error, or is there some repository I’m missing?


curl -L > code_arm64.deb
sudo apt install ./code_arm64.deb

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Does that install it in a way that it’ll get updated with the rest of the system when updates are available?

My DevTern is currently in a messy state, but I think it added ‘/etc/apt/sources.list.d/vscode.list’. So, yes.


Not sure if this is still an open question, but I found the Visual Studio Code docs have detailed instructions for running on Linux.

I went with the ones with Debian / Ubuntu based distros, and it seemed to work as expected.
Running Visual Studio Code on Linux

Literally it’s just: