I felt like I tried work but I still can not connect. I put data directly into micro SD, but because I did not recognize the data, I am ready. A wish for a pathetic Japanese who can not speak English helps.
After you connect GameShell to your home WIFI, open TinyCloud, you should see directions to connect. No need to take out micro SD. Simply enter the displayed address to your windows file explorer will work.
I also was unable to get this working. The instructions are not adequate. Some real step by step instructions and/or a video would be great.
I connected to my wifi but that IP address doesn’t seem accessible from another device.
Connect to wifi
Open tiny cloud
and then on windows you can do
windows + R
enter credentials (cpi/cpi)
If you prefer ssh you can install filezilla and then connect via IP address, protocol ssh (port 22) and the same credentials
How about in Mac?
I’m still can’t connect using Mac.
Install Filezilla, it’s probably the easiest
From: Set up file sharing on Mac - Apple Support
To connect to a file server directly, use the Connect To Server feature of the Finder. Select Go > Connect To, and enter a URL, IP address or DNS name.
You can attempt to force a specific connection protocol (such as SMB or AFP) by using a valid URL. As long as the server you are connecting to allows the protocol you specify, the URL should work.
smb://ServerName/ShareName afp://DOMAIN;User@ServerName/ShareName
You can use filezilla or cyberduck too. or just scp/rsync from a terminal
After connecting to the network, ID and Key, ssh and scp, Windows network are displayed on the screen of Tiny Cloud, but I tried entering the displayed address in Chrome, but there is no response and I can not connect it It was.
There is no typing error.
I have experience with similar connections, but this time it seems a little difficult : _ (
Not in “chrome” or any browser, try “WIN key + R” and then enter the displayed address to the “run box” or system file manager
I got a lot of advice here, but even if I do not understand where I do not understand it I am not fully understood and I have not succeeded at all. Another reason I can not think of it is because of my PC environment and net environment because I do not succeed. No matter how much advice this will be, it can not be successful.
For the time being we can not even be the worst “Win key + R” even if I am merciful.
Since Filezilla does not reach a server connection no matter how many times it is done, I think that it is doing the wrong way.
I’m really sorry.
I could go there. After that I confirmed the address for Windows from TinyCloud and input it and did Ok but it did not go well.
Can you provide more descriptions of the problem?
In the case of Winkey + R, the response time on the browser is said to be too long and it is not connected.
I can not explain anything more problemally more honestly. Because I do not know why it is a problem.
Also in filezilla it is not possible to connect because the connection time is too long. Perhaps this is due to the fact that GameShell’s connected net uses mobile Wifi, is not it? I thought I tried using the same fixed line as PC but it was useless. This is the same for Win key.
Possible solutions:
- Move the machine closer to the wireless router, to improve signal quality.
- Change a wireless network, such as using a mobile hotspot, connect your computer and GS to your mobile hotspot.
I connected the PC and GameShlle 's net line to the same mobile Wifi line and connected again with fileziile and connected successfully. I tried the same method in the past and failed, so I do not know why I succeeded this time.
However, it is still thanks to Everyone cooperation. Thank you very much! !
For those who have little knowledge like me GameShell may have been a product that should not have. However, it is really helpful to solve the problem little by little if there is cooperation of other GameShell holders.
Thank you so much for this time.
The reason why I did not connect to TinyCloud this time was that the PC and GameShell were not properly connected to the same network line. This was a problem that I did not fully understand the mechanism of the network etc.
You need to conect the pc and GS to the same network. So, if you have a LAN ethernet cable connected to your computer, please unplugged it and only connect the PC via WiFi.
Then, connect your gameshell at the same WiFi and open any explorer window in windows (pictures or music window) then, put the IP you get trought the tinycloud or in the GS settings > wifi > once you are connect to the WiFi if your push A another one you can see the actual IP are you using.
You tried this? Thank you very much and take it easy! We’re a community and we all are here for fun and help each others to have fun thanks to GS <3
Using the SSH tool to connect the gameshell ,and using the SCP to put you data to the gameshell;