- login to your GS using ssh
- sudo apt-get install x11vnc
- x11vnc -noipv6 -noshm
Then on PC, download VNC viewer at
File-> new connection
Then enter your IP:0, e.g., connect!
Then on PC, download VNC viewer at
File-> new connection
Then enter your IP:0, e.g., connect!
Not sure if really needed, but fun to do
probably useful when debugging new UI app remotely
Here’s a usefeul script to drop into ~/apps/launcher/Gameshell/Menu
APP_ID=$(ps -C x11vnc --no-header --format 'pid') if [ -n "${APP_ID}" ]; then echo "Stopping instance $APP_ID" kill "${APP_ID}" else x11vnc -noipv6 -noshm & fi exit
it starts VNC if it’s not started, stops it if it is
Man, using a debian based OS gives us access to so many cool tools right out of the gate.
I wonder if Tight VNC would be more performant on this platform?
I am connecting from Mac, here’s my successful command
x11vnc -noipv6 -noshm -display :0 -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -forever -passwd 'cpi'
How might I use the windowed desktop through VNC? I want access to the desktop you get when you connect a second display with HDMI.
do a sudo apt-get update before
sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
THat’s Cool. I hope you enjoyed gamesell.
Hi team, so I am trying to install x11vnc as per the below. All seems to go well however trying to execute x11vnc over SSH and the games he’ll reports command not found. I tried all the options below but no success. Any ideas please?
Reporting 404 Not Found IP 80
On all accesses to required files