Is there a GBA simulator with acceleration in gameshell?

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Re: acceleration, do you mean one that runs faster? Or potentially one that uses The GL drivers? Try giving the Lima Drivers a go, going into settings, and choosing it in the graphics driver setting.

For a faster accelerated emulator, give the standalone emulator a go. The emulators with a “+” sign are the standalones, according to what people in the forums refer to them as.
What this basically means is, they don’t rely on retroarch.

You will also need to source yourself a Gba bios file in order to get it working, and put it in the correct directory.
@Rebusmind made a great post covering this. In fact have a look at the custom image in general, if you want an accelerated experience with multiple standalone emulators.

Custom GameShell image (v0.3) with standalone emulators