Yup. That’s what I’ve done too. I have physically changed the position of my keys. And its the update that fixes this problem. It was a problem reported by a lot of people.
Have a look at this post.
Unless are you wanting the SNES “B” button to be accept, and “A” as back? In which case, apply the update, and set it to Xbox mode. It won’t change the foot bar; just the function of the button.
The quick solution is the update. But the better solution is to use @Petrakis Arduino update. It seems daunting, but is actually really easy to do. You will just need to check the snes/Xbox layout switch to make sure that it matches up. Ie, you will need it set to Xbox mode, despite having it both physically (tactile buttons) changes and mapped (in the arduino code) to SNES layout.
The only downside is that you will need to reconfigure all of your standalone emulators to reflect this hardware change. It’s not too much of an issue, besides having to manually edit the config file of mupen64, which is a pain in the neck! Using the software/settings change doesn’t affect standalone emulators. It’s not hard. It’s just, most people release their code/config/apps assuming people haven’t flashed their arduino keyboards.
It affects everything globally. Particularly useful for some standalone emulators that insist on using the SNES “B” button as accept, and “A” as back. You can make it actually behave. The built in file manager (dingUXcommander) in utilities also uses Xbox commands, which makes navigating folders that much more annoying; having to quickly remap your brain.
Let me know if I have completely misread your meaning! It’s hard, not knowing someone’s exact software configuration etc.
But hang on. I just read your last bit. Are you just having problems with Retroarch? There’s a specific setting to switch the A and B inputs for okay/cancel. Ive taken a screen shot. It’s in the input submenu. Hopefully this solves your Retroarch problems.
Changing the Retroarch settings will only change the buttons for the Retroarch menus, and navigation using cores that depend on Retroarch. Retroarch is configured independent of the launches GUI.