Lets play Ghouls 'n Ghosts Remix


Please read here first:

Ghouls’n Ghosts Remix:

  • “Ghouls’n Ghosts Remix” its a remeke of Ghouls’n Ghosts a platform action game from
    capcom 1988 with some difference from the original game.
    Its a mix from ghosts’n goblins, ghouls’n ghosts and super ghouls’n ghosts.

  • “Ghouls’n Ghosts Remix” its made with the allegro library and MinGW. The code of
    this game its developed under GNU/GPL.
    All the graphic and sound of this game are copyrighted by capcom.

“Ghouls’n Ghosts Remix” its developed by:

www.valarsoft.com (Please donate to support our games and applications)

→ The code of this game its developed under GNU/GPL.
→ All the graphics and sound are copyright by capcom, you can play this game only if you have
the following original roms: “ghosts’n goblins” (arcade), “ghouls’n ghosts” (arcade),
“super ghouls’n ghosts” (SNES & Nintendo GBA) and “demon’s crest” (SNES).

To install on GameShell (OS v0.4), ssh to it and issue:
First install allegro library:
sudo apt-get -y install liballegro4.4


curl -sL https://github.com/pleft/ggr/releases/download/v0.56/GhoulsNGhostsRemix.tar.gz | tar -xvz --directory "/home/cpi/apps/Menu/21_Indie Games/"

Then reload the UI and navigate to Indie Games and launch GhoulsNGhostsRemix

Menu: Arrows to navigate, Start to make a selection
In Game: Arrows to move, A to jump, B to shoot


Is this normal? Also am I supposed to chmod it?

EDIT: Alright got it to show up on my indies folder, but when I try to boot it up it sends me back to the home screen


Same here…
Would love to see this working.

@HalfBlood, @Lix
Weird it works right away on mine in OS v0.4. What OS version are you running on?

  1. Have you checked what gpu driver and try to switch it?

  2. could you please do an ls -l inside the game’s folder to check if the .sh and game.exe are executables (and chmod them if necessary)?

I’m running OS v4, Lima driver

How would the second step look like?

in v0.4 OS it works with both lima and fbturbo driver.
For the second step see below:

cpi@clockworkpi:~/apps/Menu/21_Indie Games/65_GhoulsNGhostsRemix$ ls -la
total 476
drwxr-xr-x  4 cpi cpi   4096 Aug 24 21:42 .
drwxr-xr-x 10 cpi cpi   4096 Aug 25 10:09 ..
drwxr-xr-x  2 cpi cpi   4096 Aug 24 22:24 class
-rw-r--r--  1 cpi cpi    179 Aug 24 17:45 config.cfg
drwxr-xr-x  6 cpi cpi   4096 Aug 24 12:15 data
-rwxr-xr-x  1 cpi cpi 399256 Aug 24 11:57 game.exe
-rw-r--r--  1 cpi cpi  17725 Aug 24 15:20 GhoulsNGhostsRemix.png
-rwxr-xr-x  1 cpi cpi     23 Aug 24 12:19 GhoulsNGhostsRemix.sh
-rw-r--r--  1 cpi cpi  18490 Aug 24 22:24 license.en.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 cpi cpi    367 Aug 24 22:24 linux.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 cpi cpi    371 Aug 24 22:24 macos.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 cpi cpi   4881 Aug 24 22:24 readme.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 cpi cpi    317 Aug 24 22:24 windows.txt
cpi@clockworkpi:~/apps/Menu/21_Indie Games/65_GhoulsNGhostsRemix$

Make sure game.exe is executable: -rwxr-xr-x and also GhoulsNGhostsRemix.sh is executable: -rwxr-xr-x

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So I would type in ~/apps/Menu/21_Indie Games/65_GhoulsNGhostsRemix$ ls -la

need to install liballegro4.4

sudo apt-get -y install liballegro4.4

wget  https://github.com/pleft/ggr/releases/download/v0.56/GhoulsNGhostsRemix.tar.gz

tar -xvf GhoulsNGhostsRemix.tar.gz --directory "/home/cpi/apps/Menu/21_Indie Games/"

Reload UI

tested on os v0.4


Oh yes! Thanks @guu! I totally forgot it because I had already installed it to compile…sorry!

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The dependencies where the solution.
Thanks guu

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