I’ve got it running!
I didn’t succeed in building it from the source, but I found out that after some tweaking a version built for PocketChip runs just fine, and it was easier than I thought.
I found CHIP version in this forum. And here’s a download link.
I also downloaded the Debian version from the official website to have all the samples and demo song, and put it all in /games/Linux/lgpt (and lgpt.picochip-exe into bin folder inside).
Since GS key mapping is not really standard, you’ll also need to add a config.xml with the following content into the same folder as executable
<KEY_A value="j" />
<KEY_B value="k" />
<KEY_LEFT value="left" />
<KEY_RIGHT value="right" />
<KEY_UP value="up" />
<KEY_DOWN value="down" />
<KEY_LSHOULDER value="h" />
<KEY_RSHOULDER value="l" />
<KEY_START value="return" />
<KEY_SELECT value="space" />
Now you can create a launcher shortcut and it should work. But there’s a catch, you won’t be able to quit and return to the main menu, so here’s a little hack that I’ve discovered while exploring how to run SamplerBox.
You’ll need to install xbindkeys
sudo apt install xbindkeys
Crate a file (let’s name it lgpt-quit-bind) with the binding to the menu button to kill LGPT (preferably also in the same folder as executable) with the following content
"killall lgpt.picochip-exe && killall xbindkeys"
and run it each time before you launch lgpt, basically by adding another line to the launch script, so it’ll look something like this
xbindkeys -f /path/to/lgpt-quit-bind
That’s it, now you should be ready to rock the parties with some tracker music!