Loosing WiFi after running apt upgrade and rebooting

Has anyone else had issues with their uConsole after doing a package update?

After running apt update and apt upgrade on my uConsole, the WiFi dissappears after it reboots. Although it appears under ip addr as wlan0 it just doesn’t startup.

So I wrote a fresh copy of uConsole_CM4_v1.3g_64bit.img onto another SD card and when it came up I did the update again on that fresh image and the same happened again.

After doing some searching I found this issue mentioning this problem from last year https://github.com/raspberrypi/Raspberry-Pi-OS-64bit/issues/217

So checking dmesg and there it is, regulatory.db becomes invalid so the WiFi cannot startup:

peter@raspberrypi:~ $ dmesg | grep regulatory
[ 5.170103] cfg80211: Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates for regulatory database
[ 5.316711] cfg80211: loaded regulatory.db is malformed or signature is missing/invalid

I’m going to reimage that SD card again, but has anyone else had issues of just running an update and loosing WiFi completely?


Thanks, that did the trick.

I did search here but didn’t find that one.


Thanks, exactly the solution I needed.

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Thanks it fixed my problem.

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Hmm under Advanced Options there is no Network Config and DHCP options in my installation. I downloaded the newest iso and made a clean install, raspi-config is version 20220331

Thank you. This post should be pinned. I’m surprised that it doesn’t happen to more people. I guess people don’t update?

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You definitely saved my butt as my Uconsole just arrived and I lost Wi-Fi access as soon as I updated.

Thanks you. It fixed my problem!

Thank you so much sir.