Lowres NX is a fantasy console with BASIC language as the scripting language.
It’s one of the best sounding open source fantasy console available.
in case if anyone has interest to try this
I just made a deb for this fantasy console
ssh copy it into gs and run
sudo dpkg -i lowres-1.0.deb
It will install a new toplevel item 55_LowResNX under /home/cpi/apps/Menu/
all lowres games will be stored in /home/cpi/games/LowResNX
have fun
glad to see the use of deb file !
Here is the official lowres nx for gameshell icon. It looks really good! @guu You can use this icon in your installer.
Akin to what I uploaded in the custom DEOT thread, if you’re using a DEOT gameshell, you can use this icon:
I might also make one with the official one. Looks clean!
btw,you are the author of lowresnx?
I am not the author of Lowres NX. But the author of Lowres NX and I are on the same discord server.
Hi, I’m the author of LowRes NX and now a new owner of the GameShell
The coming version 1.1 has now all the features to run perfectly on the GameShell I’ll have a look at these .deb files for easy installation.
I love that this now comes stock on the Custom D.E.O.T image
In the end I decided to make a simple .tar.gz archive. Just extract it in your home/cpi/ folder:
It includes only one game and one scroller demo. You can get more games from:
LowRes NX programs may work with a gamepad, keyboard or touch/mouse. The GameShell only works well with games that use the gamepad, so try the games online before and check if they are usable with the cursor keys.
Hope you like it!
Thanks for making this wonderful LowRes NX! Happy to see it run on GameShell.
Just made an entry link in the compatible game engines in the wiki section.
I think we would all love to see more in-depth tutorials and instructions to get more people start programing games on GameShell.
Working on a combined sprite, map and palette editor, so you don’t have to switch between programs anymore. Lots of features are still missing though.
Gfx Designer is ready to use now Still beta but almost all planned features are done.
Whoa, it looks really cool
With the advent of the DevTerm, I am looking forward to using the LowResNX game building client.
I’ve got no idea what kind of OS/launcher will be provided by default. Perhaps it will just use a Debian desktop environment, or Ubuntu; which will make using the official tested editor usable.
If there is a custom launcher made by clockwork, would you consider maintaining an official version optimised for the DevTerm? No doubt the Ubuntu one should just work, but for ease of installation etc, this could be a great use of the new hardware.
Hi, not sure yet, I’m not really into Linux, just got this GameShell thing working
In any case, LowRes NX doesn’t have a built in code editor. You could use it on the DevTerm like on desktop (Mac, Win) with an external editor though. Only the iOS app has all included.
At least on the DevTerm you will be able to use more types of programs, because it has a mouse pointer.