Makin’ Dope your GameShell! (Get in for Download some ICON Sets)

The link to download the icons is not working. Is there an alternate link available?

Hi, can you reup the atari icons, pls? I can’t download them :confused:

None of the links work for me. Not sure why…


the website isn’t working, I clicked on the download button and nothing happens


Same here. My firewall settings have whitelisted the domain and even disabled my VPN to try it. Nothing is working for those links.

Yeah, unfortunately that’s the problem with using file hosting services. They can go away at any time. Better to put files in something more established like Google Drive or Dropbox, etc. but I’m sure they will eventually go away too, just hopefully not so soon.

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I think China has some kind of strict firewall that blocks Dropbox and google drive. I could be wrong. Just I know that people always don’t like it whenever I host something using either of them.
Then again, there’s always proxies. Plus icons should be small enough that the speed hit doesn’t even matter.

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Github seems like a decent place to put stuff too, but there’s more of a learning curve to use it, I guess. It also only really works well for small files. I think there’s a limit of about 25 or 50mb per file? On the plus side, you get versioning/history. (I don’t know how it is in regard to the Chinese firewall.)


Let me know if I can help by hosting stuff, more than willing to help!