Would anyone be interested in an expansion card that would allow Meshastic based LoRa communication?
Originally wanted to built an Ethernet expansion board but the CM4 pins for this are not mapped to the DIMM interface, so this seems like the next best thing?
I’m looking to put a RAK4630 or RAK4631 on an expansion board, as you said, hooked up and powered by USB most likely as this should allow serial communication with Meshtastic and the board.
Potentially a GPS module too but I’ll start without.
Hadn’t heard about that project, I’ll be sure to check it out.
I have a Lora USB dongle - there are python modules for it - I’ve just not had a chance to take it out of the box and experiment with it - Winter Break went by really fast! And our community is getting a 200 mwatt solar farm - so there is volunteer activity on my plate to assess the ‘before’ rf environment before the plant goes on line.
If you would be so kind, I would like to obtain the same dongle and the Python modules for it and play with it myself. If I can in time, I would be glad to let you know how my experiences went with the unit!
What about the Heltec WiFi LORA 32 board (WiFi LoRa 32(V3) – Heltec Automation). I assume we could power it internally and connect to it via USB/Serial or Bluetooth? It looks like it would fit internally.