Metal case for dev term?

I have a small question guys, do you think is possible to take the design files and make a metal case for the devterm?. And there is any service for this that you know?.

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look at the DevTerm Ops Shell thread there are files to print with a 3d printer. you could do it in metal… i prefer the polymer case for weight reasons.

Custom Keyboard and Custom ITX case people should be very familiar with this…

Aluminum will be heavy, Mg-Al maybe even more expensive, also CNC and anodizing will need deep pocket if you want be perfect.

(Finally you will get a >1kg Aluminum pocket pc case and a empty wallet… :upside_down_face:)


@NekoRouter I think we have enough money for a metal one and maybe sealing the device properly. There are many other things we might want to do but in my case I am new to this after like decade and a half of not even design a simple pcb for a sensor… I am out of skills and re-entering as always is scary and awful XD.

@MHam68HC11 I aw some, will try to contact a company to see if they can help with teh requierements. Everyone will love to get gps in to this and also need to see if we can get the 8GB ram raspberry :S.

CM4 8GB (w/ wifi, and no MMC) works great in my Devterm. I’m probably going to swap it over to the uConsole when it arrives. I got lucky and was able to get one (not from ClockworkPi of course) after i ordered the uConsole. Had the A06 in the Devterm before the CM4.

@adcockm bene trying to search for one, I’ve been trying to think in how to up the system as will be used as a field computer with multiple sensors and systems. Bene thinking also in to the GPS and other stuff and the procesisng capabilities to be able to connect it trough network and have some encrypted communication too.

But been thinking, maybe to have a slow approach to the problem might be better. Wanter the uconsole for this but maybe develop first over the devterm and then extrapolate what we learn to the uconsole afterwards might be better (even mor if it has updates as better cpu, more cores and ram, battery, etc…).

Also at this point the devterm might arrive faster XD

PCBWay do metal 3d print aluminum (AlSi10Mg) and CNC too. I asked for the back cover quotation (quotation form) and the result was 251$ for the 3d print. The CNC quotation form didn’t accept the STL, so, boh.


Aluminum dents easily, and plastic cracks, but is easily replaceable.


pcbway’s aluminum prints are nice. I had the part cooler shroud for my printer printed in aluminum. Kept breaking it when it was msla printed. :rofl:

How long do you guys think It will take for a new shippe device to arrive?.

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Can you post a pic of the print?

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Interesting, how much was that?

I printed my shroud in ASA and the tool head carriage in PETG (By design should have been aluminum)

very smooth print! 20 char minimum yada yada

About $78 us with shipping.

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My DevTerm order took ~100 days from placing an order to receiving a box with the device.