NixOS support for CM4

Thanks for the pointer. I’m in the process of grafting your code into my flake set up (based on this) so i can use it with nixos-generators

boot = {
    kernelPackages = pkgs.unstable.callPackages kernelPackagesCfg {};
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so, the issue was the stable vs unstable (there are some backported patches in stable linux-rpi kernel). solutions: upgrade the build machine to unstable or… I have to pin the linux-rpi unstable in uc/kernel.

It seems that 24.11 has since been released. Does this change the situation at all re: stable / unstable / pinning?


Thanks for the pointer. I’m in the process of grafting your code into my flake set up (based on this) so i can use it with nixos-generators

How did this go? Any chance we can get a link to your flake config?

I am sharing my sway-based configuration, which is a fork of the oom-hardware repo. It’s still a work in progress, but feel free to follow the repo.

I dig this Thread :slight_smile: my uConsole is Running NixOS, and it even rebuilds successfully. But the kernel takes an eternity to build. I would like to integrate ccache into the build but a simple

 programs.ccache.enable = true;
 nix.sandboxPaths = [ (toString config.programs.ccache.cacheDir) ];

Didn’t do the trick. Anyone tried something similar and is willing to share?

I haven’t been tried this personally yet, but it looks like there are 2 ways to go about it.

  1. Enable ccache for specific packages
    This is essentially what you have already I think you just need to set programs.ccache.packageNames.
  2. Enable ccache system wide.
    There’s an example overlay on the nixos wiki for this
    CCache - NixOS Wiki

However I am quite new to nix so I could be completely wrong.

Reference: CCache system wide? - #2 by Atemu - Help - NixOS Discourse