Operation without batteries

The batteries I ordered have not been received. Can I test the uConsole without installing batteries using a power supply connected to the USB-C port?


That ought to work. If I remember correctly, the power routes through the main board before it goes to the charge controller on the battery pack.

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Thank you for your reply. I attempted power up without batteries from a USB-C power supply but the screen was blank. Hope I did not damage the uConsole. Will try again after I receive the batteries.

It should work without batteries, what image are you using?

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I am using the image on the SD card shipped with the uConsole. I will try SSH access.


try it again, A green light will come on in the power button. if it does come on but won’t boot try to reflash the sd.

Just FYI, the first boot takes a couple minutes.


Thanks Rex for your hint about the power button. I held down the power button until the green light came on. The uConsole booted and I configured the user. However the trackball does not function. This might be an assembly problem. I am impressed with the high resolution display.


The best thing to do if any components arent working is to disassemble the uconsole and reassemble again, i had an issue with the keyboard (wasnt fitted in properly first time) and after doing that worked perfectly fine.