Here’s basically a crash course of what you need to know to just add games.(If command prompt intimidates you)
Download WinSCP or similar program, this program will make it possible to manipulate files as if they were in the file explorer in windows. ( Be sure to check custom download and set the view mode to file explorer
- Once the program is open, you’ll need to type in the “cpi@192.XXX.XX.X” in the host name. This is located on the gameshell in the tinycloud app on the main screen
- Type the password “cpi” and hit login
- Browse to /home/cpi/games/(name of emulator you’re placing the rom in)
- Drag and drop the rom from your windows files to the right-hand side of the WinSCP screen. The rom will upload to the device.
- You can then either reload UI, or enter the emulator and press ‘x’ to scan the dir and populate the rom you just loaded.