Raspbian OS, sudo apt update failed

When running sudo apt update on an official OS (the one that comes with SD card in the box), it returns something like:

E: Release file for http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/dists/bullseye/InRelease is not valid yet (invalid for another 23min 13s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.

Is this something a local problem with my apt sources list or something remote?

I’ve had that several times in the past & it’s remote. Just wait a while & try it again.

I think it happens when Raspberry PI publish some updates to their repo and it’s in the middle of refreshing it.

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it looks like clock on your device is bit in the future.

Interesting, should not Raspberry sync the clock from internet?

It’s tricky, RPi is lacking RTC, so, first, when network is unavailable, systemd tries to set clock according to the last known value (timestamp of /var/lib/systemd/timesync/clock file). Check timedatectl utility.

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well, if you have access to the root account, you’re the boss here. Instead of blindly assuming that “time should be correct”, verify and correct if needed.

It seems Ok now - I simply waited a bit more after powering the uConsole up.

But why uConsole does not have RTC with backup battery? I bought the RPi’s RTC add-on board already in a time of RPi2, with a price of around $1.5 - why save cost on it?

Because it’s extra cost, extra design and integration for something that’s not really needed on the device. I could use it so i’m hacking one in a tiny USB-C one on the inside.

I tend to agree.

From other hand the design of this device appears to be well-suited for use in remote areas, far from civilization and network access. This feature was actually one of the main reasons I decided to purchase it.

Given its intended use in such locations, I believe the addition of an accurate built-in clock would be a valuable enhancement to its functionality

I use my uConsole work and I’m usually without cell reception I’m getting one of these to embed inside the uConsole along with my SDR. I need accurate time when loading radio configs. What’s your use case for one? I like to see what people are using the uConsole for

The same - I bought it for using with SDR radio (still did not install the RTL-SDR software)

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If you’re using my bookworm distro I’ve already compiled the drivers for the RTL-SDR V3&V4 and SDR++ for arm64 and they’re in the repo.

It will be great! Could you remind a link?

If you’re running this image you can just sudo apt install sdrpp and be go to go with the RTL-SDR and SDR++

If you have the CM4 and like Debian and not already using it give it a spin.

Thank you!
How does RTL SW (the app) looks like on uConsole’s screen? Is it usable?

i would like to see another $1 feature being ethernet jack because i mostly work in networking. Or 2nd wifi chip because i mostly do wardriving. There’s no “one size fits all” solution or set of features.
Keep in mind that’s open hardware and device ment mostly for tinkerers and personally i think that CPI did great job providing great and basic-features complete solution, for us to expand either by tinkering by ourselves or encouraging those more capable about producing expansion cards :wink:


about networking - I found that the WiFi sensitivity of uConsole with that flat antenna, glued to the case, is not so great, comparing to other wifi devices in the same location

Yes it’s very usable on the device.
unstick the antenna from the case, It causes interference and makes the WiFi almost unusable. My suggestion it a after market antenna drilled into the case like this.

wow, that’s an ultimate solution!

Rex, do you mind if i ask what the little antenna is for on the second photo? Is it GPS or 4G or wifi of all of the above :grinning: If you have time could you please post the layout of your antenna cables inside the uconsole? I’ve bought some antenna pigtails and plan to do an external antenna for wifi, 4g and it’s diversity antenna as well as GPS!

Cheers mate, appreciate all the hard work you do and share with all!!!