Reformatted, cant get my custom game shortcuts to work now

Perhaps the fonts you tried to substitute were incompatible? They should just be a standard format, but perhaps if the DPI required is too high, it just breaks.
There could have also been other things that you may have done that causes problems. Perhaps try changing things one font at a time.

Alternatively, editing the to define additional fonts could solve your problems. It’s located in ~/launcher/

def SetFonts(self):
        if not pygame.font.get_init():
        skinpath = config.SKIN+"/truetype"
        fonts_path = {}
        fonts_path["varela"]   = "%s/VarelaRound-Regular.ttf" % skinpath
        fonts_path["veramono"] = "%s/VeraMono.ttf" % skinpath
        fonts_path["noto"]     = "%s/NotoSansMono-Regular.ttf" % skinpath
        fonts_path["notocjk"]     = "%s/NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttf" % skinpath
     	fonts_path["Eurostile"] = "%s/EurostileMN-Medium.pfb.ttf" %skinpath
        fonts_path["EurostileBold"] = "%s/EurostileMN-ExtendedBold.pfb.ttf" % skinpath

        for i in range(10,29):
          self._Fonts["Eurostile%d"%i] = pygame.font.Font(fonts_path["Eurostile"],i)
        self._Fonts["Eurostile34"] = pygame.font.Font(fonts_path["Eurostile"],34)
        self._Fonts["Eurostile40"] = pygame.font.Font(fonts_path["Eurostile"],40)
        self._Fonts["Eurostile120"] = pygame.font.Font(fonts_path["Eurostile"],120)

        self._Fonts["EurostileBold13"]  = pygame.font.Font(fonts_path["EurostileBold"],13)        
        self._Fonts["EurostileBold30"]  = pygame.font.Font(fonts_path["EurostileBold"],30)        

        for i in range(10,29):
          self._Fonts["varela%d"%i] = pygame.font.Font(fonts_path["varela"],i)
        self._Fonts["varela34"] = pygame.font.Font(fonts_path["varela"],34)
        self._Fonts["varela40"] = pygame.font.Font(fonts_path["varela"],40)
        self._Fonts["varela120"] = pygame.font.Font(fonts_path["varela"],120)
        for i in range(10,26):
            self._Fonts["veramono%d"%i] = pygame.font.Font(fonts_path["veramono"],i)
        for i in range(10,28):
            self._Fonts["notosansmono%d"%i] = pygame.font.Font(fonts_path["noto"],i)

        for i in range(10,28):
            self._Fonts["notosanscjk%d"%i] = pygame.font.Font(fonts_path["notocjk"],i)
        self._Fonts["arial"] = pygame.font.SysFont("arial",16)

Basically, define the font, make an alias for its size, and specify which size range it’s applicable for. You can put the new font in your TrueType directory without having to rename it that way. You can see the stock 4 fonts being referenced here the same way your skin_manager defines it. The references to Eurostile are all of the additions I made.

The only problem is, you may possibly lose the settings and changes when doing a launcher update, since the UI directory that the resides in is within the launcher directory.

I made a small script to change the as required. See what I did here: