You have a source right here. It’s the community.
There aren’t issues with Star Fox in Retroarch.
You said it yourself.
The fact that you said that it doesn’t run in Retroarch on Gameshell with such vehement certainty, even capitalising the word NOT makes it sound as though this is a researched fact. This will confuse others as well, along with this same aggressive approach to saying something doesn’t work.
If both PocketSNES and Retroarch aren’t working for you, and you can’t run scripts that I have just written that work for me on a fresh image, then I would say that your OS is far too changed to be functional, and it’s time to start afresh.
It’s either that, or you aren’t following instructions perfectly, have made typos, have incorrectly named files/directories, or have something wrong with your file editor.
Perhaps you’ve followed instructions that are outdated, and have broken your installation. I would try and suggest other things, but it makes it very difficult when you snap at me for suggesting things, claiming you already know it.
I don’t know what kind of background you have. In a recent post, you mention this.
So it gets confusing when we try and tell you to follow a command, and nothing ever works for you.
Eg, if I said “try using sudo chmod +x
” you would say, “you don’t need to tell me that, I already know how to do that”, when in fact what I am trying to get you to do is type EXACTLY what I am telling you.
In other threads, even trying to tell other people what to do, you have referred to the above command multiple times as sudo chmod + x
with a space that shouldn’t be there. This is a typo and the difference between a command working and failing. This is just an example, and sure; maybe that’s not what you typed.
The fact it comes up with you having typed it like this at least twice when you search “chmod + x” in the forums would lead me to believe this is a problem. There must be some kind of error message whenever you run any of the commands I gave you, especially when running while in the command line after typing export DISPLAY=:0
If nothing is shown there, run whatever script doesn’t work, type in cat /tmp/x.log
and paste the log for us to read. This is basically what I was trying to get you to do, running the scripts manually from a shell.
The image I used showing Star Fox running at 60FPS in Retroarch is my own custom one. It has been readily available and free for anyone to use, and is something I have recommended in the past. The purpose of the image was to help people, like yourself who don’t have time to research or just try things out to get them working. I’ve done the work for you.
If you really insist on not formatting and trying to get your image to work, try this.
You will need to be in a place that has decent internet to download files. Historically I have seen you have problems with downloading files. This process will take about half an hour, and it will look like your gameshell has hung. This is how long file building takes. You just have to let it do it’s thing. Sometimes, compiling things can take days. This will update your Retroarch to 1.8.8, and fix up anything you may have broken. It will also install everything, including things the gameshell can’t currently do, eg gps, webcam etc. Using a USB OTG cable will allow you to potentially plug one in.
sudo apt-get install git build-essential
sudo apt-get build-dep retroarch
git clone retroarch
cd retroarch
make -j2
sudo make install
Here is a link to my Retroarch config that you can use if you want to have the same settings as me. Copy it to ~/.config/retroarch/
After it has updated, go into the online downloader option in Retroarch, go into download cores, and find Snes9x 2010 libretro. Download it. If you are using my image, I have made Retroarch store it’s own cores in ~/.config/retroarch/cores
. Make a note of this location. If you aren’t using my retroarch.config, then you will have to find it yourself.
I don’t know if you are using action.config files with Retroarch, or loading Roms from Retroarch directly. Either way, you will now need to specify which core to associate with the rom you are using. Make sure you specify the core you just downloaded. This is a fairly standard procedure, and not some strange workaround.
The next thing. I don’t know what kernel, or clockspeed you are using. Go into your “about” page in settings and read what you are using. I was using kernel 5.5.9 using the overclock of 1400MHz, as has been available in my custom image for months. I won’t go into how to compile kernels here, since there are other posts that do this for you.
Now, even if they work on your PC or whatever, redownload a new Star Fox rom. Just to be sure. It doesn’t matter where you put it on your gameshell. After you have everything prepared, open up Retroarch, and load the Star Fox rom, then select Snes9x 2010 as your core.
I still highly recommend you just avoid all this and just download my custom image. If even has a dark boot up screen that won’t blind you, as you requested in another thread.
You can still copy your custom skin over. As for what you CAN move in the OS and not have break your installation, basically just anything in ~/apps/Menu/
. You can move things in ~/launcher/Menu/
which is what you have mainly done, and I have previously questioned; but if you try and do an update, anything in the launcher directory will be updated and wiped. Also as usual, avoid double ups of the same numbered place holders between these to locations.
I am just trying to help, and the overall tone that I always seem to get from your responses are very aggressive. Would you please be able to tone it back a bit? I’m not sure if you’re just like this in real life, or if English is your second language, but it does at times seem to come across as being quite rude.