As @markatlnk said, partly it is the fact that it’s well supported. But I also wanted the 8GB of RAM available on the CM4 lite.
While I haven’t done any real performance tests or comparisons, I also feel like there’s no noticable performance difference between the CM4 and the A06. In theory, the A06 is faster, but not so much that I miss it or even feel it. I also spent time before messing around with the various CPU options and speed settings, never reslly sure if I was actually using it to its potential or not. With the CM4, it can be overclocked a bit for some performance boost but it’s not something I’m continually messing with and it just works.
I never had any major issues with the A06, but it seemed like I had reasons to reflash the OS and start fresh more than I would have liked. The CM4 seems like it will be able to update more reliably.
I ordered the uConsole with the CM4 before using one on my DevTerm. I figured I could choose either to use the CM4 on both devices or use the A06 again on one of them. But after using the CM4 on the DevTerm, I’m pretty sure I’ll be keeping the uConsole as CM4 too. (I might swap the 8GB and 4GB cores though.) So I guess the A06 will juat be a backup.