Retropie on uconsole

While I wait for my uCon, i got an RPI 4B 8gb to play around, I installed the Raspbian 64bit, and got a lot of problems in emulation and library compatibility, I imagine the raspbian being distributed by clockwork is 32 bit raspbian, is this correct?

Hi this is why i use retropie its 32bit and works well.


If you want to try run windows 95 and other images via dosbox your need retropie setup first. Then your able to do this.


I’m trying to run games with retropie in my A-06 but i am not having much success.
I added a bunch of systems and roms and they all not run.

When trying to open a game, after the popup letting me know to press a key if i want to configure the emulator, it goes back to the game selection screen.

This is a sample of the output in /dev/shm/runcommand.log

Executing: /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-gambatte/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/gb/retroarch.cfg "/home/cpi/RetroPie/roms/gb/Tetris (World) (Rev A).zip" --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg
X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)
  Major opcode of failed request:  152 (GLX)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  26 (X_GLXMakeContextCurrent)
  Serial number of failed request:  105
  Current serial number in output stream:  105

Any idea how i can fix this?

I configured the following inputs:

  • Keyboard: up,down,left,right (hotkey:z, x:Button A)
  • PS4 Wireless controller

How did you install and start successfully? My A06 version, just manually installed retropie, now can not start, start black screen.

I installed this retropie’s version: Debian/Ubuntu - RetroPie Docs

After installed, I can open it from the menu, using: Games → rpie (iirc, not in front of the uconsole right now)

I could use emulationstation without issues.
The problem was when opening a game through RetroArch.

I managed to fix it by deleting the 3 or 4 all config files within /opt/retropie/configs/all (again, in mobile so the path may not be accurate)

Now things work but have some issues RetroArch remembering my wireless PS4 controller so I have to enter all the time in the settings to select the input.

I hope I can fix these issues

Thank you for your reply. I’ll follow this procedure again later. I hope there’s no problem.

Hello i can’t find folder to modify file for use uconsole buttons where is?

Hey mate I cannot see in your posts anywhere what OS image you used before you installed RetroPie? Was it a 32bit image or 64bit image? Do you have a link? The link in your YouTube video is no longer valid. Thanks, Julian.

I tried compiling my own RetroPi and setting the SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG, but when starting Emulationstation, seem to only be able to get either the direction buttons or abxy buttons recognized, and never the select and start buttons. I sure wish there was a Howto for Complete Newbies to Emulation on a uConsole.

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