[SOLVED] uConsole LTE module problem connecting


Hi there,

I am trying to get an internet connection to my ISP via SIM card. The NetworkManager does a connection for about 20-30 seconds, then the connection drops. During this short period I can ping via USB, but there is no DNS resolution.

  • I flashed the LTE module to 9011
  • I am running the bookworm image and did apt update/upgrade
  • the NetworkManager log shows:

Jul 17 12:56:34 clockworkpi NetworkManager[69706]: [1721213794.4466] dhcp4 (usb0): activation: beginning transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
Jul 17 12:56:34 clockworkpi NetworkManager[69706]: [1721213794.4466] dhcp4 (usb0): state changed no lease
Jul 17 12:56:34 clockworkpi NetworkManager[69706]: [1721213794.4472] dhcp6 (usb0): canceled DHCP transaction
Jul 17 12:56:34 clockworkpi NetworkManager[69706]: [1721213794.4473] dhcp6 (usb0): activation: beginning transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
Jul 17 12:56:34 clockworkpi NetworkManager[69706]: [1721213794.4473] dhcp6 (usb0): state changed no lease
Jul 17 12:56:34 clockworkpi NetworkManager[69706]: [1721213794.4876] manager: (ttyUSB2): new Broadband device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/5)
Jul 17 12:56:34 clockworkpi NetworkManager[69706]: [1721213794.4899] device (ttyUSB2): state change: unmanaged → unavailable (reason ‘managed’, sys-iface-state: ‘external’)
Jul 17 12:56:34 clockworkpi NetworkManager[69706]: [1721213794.4910] device (ttyUSB2): modem state ‘enabling’
Jul 17 12:56:34 clockworkpi NetworkManager[69706]: [1721213794.5631] device (ttyUSB2): state change: unavailable → disconnected (reason ‘none’, sys-iface-state: ‘managed’)

  • there is no SIM pin and the internet access is working on other devices

Did I miss sth.? When using the 9011 mode (rndis) the ModemManager and NetworkManager service should be running?
Do I need a nmcli c add configuration profile? I set 2 profiles with AT commands:

sudo echo -en ‘AT+CGDCONT?\r\n’ | sudo socat - /dev/ttyUSB2,crnl

+CGDCONT: 1,“IPV4V6”,“internet”,“”,0,0,0,0
+CGDCONT: 6,“IPV4V6”,“internet”,“”,0,0,0,0


sudo echo -en ‘AT+CUSBPIDSWITCH?\r\n’ | sudo socat - /dev/ttyUSB2,crnl



sudo echo -en ‘AT+CREG?\r\n’ | sudo socat - /dev/ttyUSB2,crnl

+CREG: 2,2


I am working on this 5h now. I thought that it only needs “sudo uconsole-4g enable” and everything works.

My usb0 device has an IPv4 and IPv6 address.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks a lot,

Really? The first thing you do, as soon as you sign up, is to ask a question in a new post? Haven’t you tried the posts here and asked where yours is relevant? …Kids.

I have a 4G module. In my case, it should get connected as soon as you introduce your network’s access credentials (APN, password), no firmware switching needed. I turn on the module, check if the modem’s detected, head out, wait for the network, switch on cellular data, and done.

You nailed your question in the head. You’re missing a connection profile for your module.

Hi, yes sorry I tried all the other forum entries. I am using the book worm distro posted here. I followed the steps and added a connection profile with nmcli c add and restarted the ModemManager service. ping on works now, but there is no dns resolution. should I add it somewhere manually?

I… can’t answer much in your case. My tests are carried out on non-Debian distros, but all running GNOME. The DE spoiled my experience in creating a profile, so I felt NetworkManager can do the job for you. Try switching on your cellular data using nmtui.

Using the search query provided, I got a possible answer here. Make sure to have your network’s access credentials ready, and fill them in using the commands.

And you must have read the official guide. The same answer’s there as well.

Very often, the reason your connection drops is because (a) your cellular coverage is terrible, or (b) you fudged your network’s credentials.

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Hi thanks, for the links, I read them all. There is a response with ping, but no DNS, maybe it’s a resolver problem I have to figure out. Thanks!

Hi, I think I found the problem. I was searching for the problem at the NetworkManager (profile config etc.), but I read that with rdnis (mode 9011) there is an autoconfig to usb0.
I found a thread where someone had trouble with his provider with IPv6, so I ran two AT commands and changed it from IPV6 to IP (v4):

sudo echo -en ‘AT+CGDCONT=1,“IP”,“internet”\r\n’ | sudo socat - /dev/ttyUSB2
sudo echo -en ‘AT+CGDCONT=6,“IP”,“internet”\r\n’ | sudo socat - /dev/ttyUSB2

“internet” is my APN here in Germany (O2 provider)

Then I ran
sudo dhclient -v usb0